Shares of PB Fintech fell 3.5% to an intraday low of Rs 1,208 compared to its previous close of Rs 1,252.20. The fall in prices came after the company’s 55 lakh shares or 1.2% equity traded in a block deal, according to news reports. The deal took at an average of Rs 1,228 per equity share making it a deal size of Rs 677 crore.
Earlier, Tencent Cloud Europe was looking to of…
Read moreThe RBI’s announcement to go for an Open Market Operation (OMO) sale of G-Secs came as a surprise to the market on Friday. This led to the yield on the 10-year government bond jumping to 7.36%.
While many have called it a “knee-jerk” reaction and said much will depend on the quantum of the OMO sale as well as how the US bond yields pan out, this could add to pressure on debt m…
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